Great Cockcrow miniature railway has given us permission to port information over from their site. They are a great miniature railway with a fantastic signalling systemA series of electrical, electronic, electro-mechanical units brought together to form a system which controls the safe movement of trains., It is also worth checking out their signalling simulators one for each of the three signalA visual display device which conveys instructions or provides prior warning of instructions regarding the driver’s authority to proceed. boxes. Click here to visit their website.
The line is fully signalled with 3 signalA visual display device which conveys instructions or provides prior warning of instructions regarding the driver’s authority to proceed. boxes and 1 gate boxA control point provided for the supervision of one or more Level Crossings which is not controlled directly by a Signal Box. A Gate Box is not a Block Post. to prototypical British signalling based on mid-1950’s practice. With the exception of the signals, which are scale models, the signalling systemA series of electrical, electronic, electro-mechanical units brought together to form a system which controls the safe movement of trains. is constructed from full-size equipment recovered when it became redundant. The line is signalled from three signalA visual display device which conveys instructions or provides prior warning of instructions regarding the driver’s authority to proceed. boxes at Hardwick (controlling the main terminus), at Cockcrow Hill (where some trains terminate) and at Everglades Junction which all trains pass at least twice. The signalA visual display device which conveys instructions or provides prior warning of instructions regarding the driver’s authority to proceed. boxes at Hardwick and Everglades Junction utilise Westinghouse style L all-electric miniature lever frames, whilst Cockcrow Hill has a 16-lever “Stevens Knee” frame with electrical locking.
Hardwick is a 23-lever frame that was part of the original Crewe South Junction (which had 227 levers and was in use from 1939 until 1986) and was installed and commissioned in 1993. The Signal BoxThe building in which the Signaller(s) is/are situated together with the control and indication system for the signalling. See also Signalling Centre. is equipped as far as possible as an old LMS Signal BoxThe building in which the Signaller(s) is/are situated together with the control and indication system for the signalling. See also Signalling Centre. would have looked in around the 1950’s with an illuminated diagramA Signal Box Diagram on which Track Circuit and other indications are provided by means of lights on a representation of the track layout. made of timber with a hand-painted track layout, and two red lamps at the extremities of each track circuitAn electrical device using the rails in an electric circuit, which detects the absence of trains on a defined section of line.. In following basic LMS practice, the point operating levers have notched quadrants at the ‘B’ and ‘D’ positions for point indication lockingA form of locking whereby the full travel of the lever is inhibited until the operation of the function (for example points) is complete and detection is obtain... and the signals have quadrant notches at the ‘B’ position for back locking. Of course, being an all-electric locking frame ‘A’ and ‘E’locks and quadrants are provided on all levers.
At Hardwick, following LMS tradition, 1 lever is provided for a signalA visual display device which conveys instructions or provides prior warning of instructions regarding the driver’s authority to proceed. no matter how many routes are available from that signalA visual display device which conveys instructions or provides prior warning of instructions regarding the driver’s authority to proceed.. To aid the signalmanObsolete term for Signaller., above the lever is provided with an indication that shows what routeThe path along a section of track between one Signal and the next, along which an authorised movement is to be made. (or destination) is presently set for that signalA visual display device which conveys instructions or provides prior warning of instructions regarding the driver’s authority to proceed.. The pull plates are in front of the lever on a shelf that is standardAn authorised document, including specification, procedure, instruction, directive, rule or regulation, which may set mandatory requirements. for all ‘L’ frames (presently with temporary labels, but the intention is to replace them with brass pull plates as originally provided). The signalA visual display device which conveys instructions or provides prior warning of instructions regarding the driver’s authority to proceed. indications simply show red when the signalA visual display device which conveys instructions or provides prior warning of instructions regarding the driver’s authority to proceed. is at dangerAn indication given by a Signal to stop. and white when the signalA visual display device which conveys instructions or provides prior warning of instructions regarding the driver’s authority to proceed. is “off”. Although the Railway is completely track circuited, absolute blockA system of controlling rail traffic, where (under normal operations) only one train is allowed in the Block Section at a time. Proof of a section clear normall... working is in force to the next Signal BoxThe building in which the Signaller(s) is/are situated together with the control and indication system for the signalling. See also Signalling Centre. using Midland Railway type instruments (circa 1914) will full track circuitAn electrical device using the rails in an electric circuit, which detects the absence of trains on a defined section of line. controls.
Everglades Junction
Everglades Junction is set out as a Southern Railway Signal BoxThe building in which the Signaller(s) is/are situated together with the control and indication system for the signalling. See also Signalling Centre. as it would have been around the 1950’s. The Westinghouse ‘L’ frame is of 31 levers and came from South Croydon when the Three Bridges re-signalling scheme was introduced in April 1984. As the frame was installed in 1953 it had quite a short life on BR – even so, it is now 50+ years old. The frame came complete and is installed as per the original SR standards in 1980 and expanded and re-wired in 1991. It controls 3 and 4 aspectAny valid visual indication of a Signal as displayed to the driver. signalling, and again following SR practice, the aspects on the signals are repeated on the frame including junction indicators. One signalA visual display device which conveys instructions or provides prior warning of instructions regarding the driver’s authority to proceed. lever controls all possible routes from that signalA visual display device which conveys instructions or provides prior warning of instructions regarding the driver’s authority to proceed., with in addition a separate lever for a “warning” routeThe path along a section of track between one Signal and the next, along which an authorised movement is to be made.. Again following SR practice, there are no indication quadrants, the lever position and detectionThe proof of the position of the Points (Normal or Reverse) to the Interlocking equipment. being in the circuit for the releaseThe removal of Locking on a function, for example, the removal of Route Locking or the unlocking of a function such as a Ground Frame. of the signalA visual display device which conveys instructions or provides prior warning of instructions regarding the driver’s authority to proceed. lever. ‘Free’
indications are also shown above the signalA visual display device which conveys instructions or provides prior warning of instructions regarding the driver’s authority to proceed. levers.
A standardAn authorised document, including specification, procedure, instruction, directive, rule or regulation, which may set mandatory requirements. SR illuminated diagramA Signal Box Diagram on which Track Circuit and other indications are provided by means of lights on a representation of the track layout. is provided. Block Working to adjacent SignalA visual display device which conveys instructions or provides prior warning of instructions regarding the driver’s authority to proceed. Boxes is via Southern Railway StandardAn authorised document, including specification, procedure, instruction, directive, rule or regulation, which may set mandatory requirements. instruments (circa 1920’s) with full track circuitAn electrical device using the rails in an electric circuit, which detects the absence of trains on a defined section of line. controls. In true SR practice, the “tapper” for the Block Bells is not part of the bell but mounted separately using brass plungers.
There is also a Train Describer using a VDUA screen on which various types of information is displayed. display with automatic code ‘set up’ and automatic ‘code change’ to help the signalmen keep track of the trains, and to also keep a count of the number of trains run over the system in any one day.
Cockcrow Hill
Cockcrow Hill Signal BoxThe building in which the Signaller(s) is/are situated together with the control and indication system for the signalling. See also Signalling Centre. is a 16 lever Stevens “Knee Frame” with electrical locking and was commissioned in May 2001 replacing an LMS 1943 tappet frame after the layout at Cockcrow Hill Station was completely re-modelled. 12 levers are fitted with combined lever locks and circuit controllers and the other 4 levers have circuit controllers only.
The Railway SignalA visual display device which conveys instructions or provides prior warning of instructions regarding the driver’s authority to proceed. Co manufactured this frame and it was originally installed at Waterloo Station on the “Waterloo and City” line and is thought to be over 80 years old.
RelayAn electro-mechanical switching device used in many types of Signalling Systems. Rooms
All SignalA visual display device which conveys instructions or provides prior warning of instructions regarding the driver’s authority to proceed. Boxes have RelayAn electro-mechanical switching device used in many types of Signalling Systems. Rooms containing the necessary relayAn electro-mechanical switching device used in many types of Signalling Systems. racks, power supplies and cable termination racks. These utilise standardAn authorised document, including specification, procedure, instruction, directive, rule or regulation, which may set mandatory requirements. BR 930 Spec series relays which plug into plugboards. The different types of relays have varying numbers of contacts and include timing and delay functions.
Location Cupboards
Full-size locations are situated as required around the Railway and contain Track feeds and relays. All Locations are fed with 110 volts 50 Hz and have heaters and lighting within the location and are wired to BR Standards (circa 1992) and standardAn authorised document, including specification, procedure, instruction, directive, rule or regulation, which may set mandatory requirements. BR type cables connect the location to the trackside equipment via 2BA sliding links.
Track Circuits
Track circuits are fed via a Transformer/Rectifier (ex Reed Amplifier Power Supply Units) with an adjustable 20-ohm resistor and use a 12v BR 930 Spec. relayAn electro-mechanical switching device used in many types of Signalling Systems. with a minimum pick-up of 6.3 – 7.1v. (Reed followers are very useful!) The rail is bonded at the joints and we make our own insulated joints.
Point Machines
Point machines are made up from 12v Ford Escort Wiper Motors with microswitch detectionThe proof of the position of the Points (Normal or Reverse) to the Interlocking equipment. circuits on machine operated and some spring-operated pointsItems of permanent way which may be aligned to one of two positions, Normal or Reverse, according to the direction of train movement required.. The insulated front stretcherA bar connecting the two Switch Rails in a Point End, keeping them in the correct position relative to each other. See also Lock Stretcher. is made from polycarbonate strip and the point machines have an integral FPLAbbreviated term for Facing Point Lock..
Colour light signals are made up from SGE/WBS/Tyers block shelfA shelf provided above the Lever Frame to hold equipment associated with control of the line, for example Block Instruments, Indicators and other ancillary sign... indicators stacked as necessary, fitted with polycarbonate coloured lenses and aluminium display boards. The bulbs are 12v. 2.4w although we are trialling an LEDA Colour Light Signal that uses Light Emitting Diode technology in place of incandescent lamps and coloured filters. LED signals can be arranged to combine the ... version. Junction Indicators are 12v individual lamps mounted as required.
Semaphore signals (both upper and lower quadrantA term applied to a Semaphore Signal whose Clear position is designated by the arm below horizontal.) are solenoid worked with a constantly rated 24v. 12w. Coil, sealed for out-door use. Semaphore signals are electrically litThe internal illumination of signalling equipment. either using 12v. 1.2w. Lamps or as we convert them LEDA Colour Light Signal that uses Light Emitting Diode technology in place of incandescent lamps and coloured filters. LED signals can be arranged to combine the ... clusters switched on from the controlling signal boxThe building in which the Signaller(s) is/are situated together with the control and indication system for the signalling. See also Signalling Centre.. All Signals outside the Hardwick compound are plug coupled and are removed at the end of the running day.
There are SignalA visual display device which conveys instructions or provides prior warning of instructions regarding the driver’s authority to proceed. Post Telephones at all controlled signals with an electronic PABX for other telephones. We also have handheld radios for all operational staff.
The signalling systemA series of electrical, electronic, electro-mechanical units brought together to form a system which controls the safe movement of trains. is extremely reliable and failures are extremely rare. (Approx. 2/3 incidents a season) All relays are BRB 930/960 specification and live in heated RelayAn electro-mechanical switching device used in many types of Signalling Systems. Rooms and locations. Considering that the power is turned off from Sunday evening to the following Sunday morning in the summer, and is off during the winter months from November until the end of April – when switched on, it always works.
We get the very occasional point problems (stones in blades!) and sometimes a broken track circuitAn electrical device using the rails in an electric circuit, which detects the absence of trains on a defined section of line. bond caused by someone walking on the track and accidentally kicking the bond (a problem with miniature railways!)
Design and Construction
All design and construction are done in-house by the S&T department with the relayAn electro-mechanical switching device used in many types of Signalling Systems. room and signal boxThe building in which the Signaller(s) is/are situated together with the control and indication system for the signalling. See also Signalling Centre. circuits being hand-drawn in pencil on A3 size paper. The location diagrams are drawn using a computer and AutoCAD on A4 size drawings.
The S & T department, as you would expect, is mainly made up of Institution of Railway SignalA visual display device which conveys instructions or provides prior warning of instructions regarding the driver’s authority to proceed. Engineers’ members and gives the opportunity to all to continue to increase their professional development!
The Railway is, in fact, a wonderful training aid for all S & T Engineers (as well as operating colleagues) and has been used by other organisations such as the HMRIAbbreviated term for Her Majesty’s Railway Inspectorate. and IRO!