A SignalA visual display device which conveys instructions or provides prior warning of instructions regarding the driver’s authority to proceed. that is cleared from Red (other than by Emergency Replacement
Switch or Signal Post Replacement SwitchA switch on or near the post of a Colour Light Signal which enables the Signal to be turned and maintained at Red by means of a key.) from a Control PointA Signal Box, including a Control Centre, Gate Box or Ground Frame. by a
SignallerA person responsible for the operation of the Signalling System, to safely control the passage and regulation of trains, usually located in a Signal Box. or ARSA system for setting Routes without the action of the Signaller, based upon a stored timetable, train running information, defined priority, selection criteria ... on each occasion it is required to show a Proceed AspectAny Signal Aspect which permits the driver to pass the Signal..
Controlled Signals are usually plated as Non-PassableA Signal is designated Non-Passable because it protects an area of conflict or other infrastructure such that a significant hazard would arise in the event of i....