In Block SignallingA system of controlling rail traffic defined by Block Sections. Normally only one train is permitted in a Block Section., it is the first Stop SignalAny Signal capable of showing a Danger Aspect. on the Approach ToIn relation to equipment on or alongside the track, positioned such that a train passes the point before reaching another defined item of equipment. See also Re... and worked
from a Signal BoxThe building in which the Signaller(s) is/are situated together with the control and indication system for the signalling. See also Signalling Centre. and controls the exit from the Block SectionThe section of line between one Section Signal and the next Home Signal. This term does not apply on a Track Circuit Block line.. (If no
Starting SignalIn Block Signalling, a Stop Signal Beyond, and worked from, a Signal Box. If no Advanced Starting Signal is provided, it is the Section Signal. is provided, it also acts as the Section SignalA Stop Signal controlling the entrance to a Block Section or Intermediate Block Section ahead. See also Home Signal, Starting Signal, Advanced Starting Signal..) Obsolete
terms are; outer home, inner home or home 1, home 2.